Accessibility and Anti-Harassment Policies

Accessibility Policy

An accessibility coordinator will ensure that venues are evaluated based on their accessibility and will be available throughout the convention to address related issues as they arise.

We sincerely hope that the measures we have put in place will make for a better con experience for all involved.

To contact the the accessibility coordinator, Matt Lindus, please email a11y-2014(at)

Anti-Harassment Policy

Swancon™ is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form including (but not limited to) offensive verbal comments, physical assault, or unwelcome physical attentions. Participants engaging in harassing behaviour will face sanctions and may be removed from the convention.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of Swancon™ Committee or a WASFF board member. If you cannot find a committee or board member, anyone at the Swancon™ registration desk will be happy to assist.

Published: 15:38 on May 19, 2013
Last Updated: 16:27 on Jul 02, 2013